Weighing with a forklift has never been easier!
Dini Argeo's TWIN FORKS weighing forks have always been the perfect solution for integrating weighing on forklifts. Easy and quick to install, they can replace the standard forks of the forklift, turning it into a true mobile scale.
Range expands: New Version with in-cab Touchscreen Weight Indicator!
Advanced touchscreen weight indicator
In addition to the Compact weight indicator version, a model with an in-cab touchscreen weight indicator is now also available. Depending on the indicator, operators can perform simple functions such as weight totalisation, or access more advanced functions including data entry, databases and connection to external systems The weighing forks are available with maximum capacities of 2500 kg or 5000 kg and offer high weighing accuracy, both for internal use and for applications requiring legal for trade approval. With the optional printer, a ticket can be printed to keep track of everything weighed.
Forklift Weighing Benefits By integrating TWIN FORKS weighing forks into your forklift, you gain numerous advantages, such as: - The increase in production efficiency due to the elimination of downtime for travelling to and from the traditional floor scale.
- The
recording of data on the loads handled, which can also be printed out.
- Increased safety in the working environment due to exact knowledge of the weight of the handled loads, which will prevent overloading of the forklift and racking.
Rice Lake Weighing Systems
230 W Coleman St
Rice Lake, WI 54868
Dini Argeo S.r.l.
+39 0536 843418
Via Della Fisica, 20 - 41042
Fiorano Modenese (MO) - Italy