3590EGTT Touch Screen weight indicator for industrial applications
Totally configurable touch screen weight indicator for advanced weighing systems. The 3590EGTT indicator, other than the chosen weighing programme, has an area for the
development of specific application programmes, integrated debuggers and programming tools for PCs. Advanced weight indicator, AISI304 stainless steel with resistive touch screen display, suitable for any industrial application. It can display all of the weighing data and with the customisation of the screens, simplifying the user operations. Fitted with 3 serial ports, transmission protocols for data communication, completely configurable printouts, integrated alibi memory, and port for connection to barcode/badge reader. CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501, OIML R-51 - OIML R-61 - MID for dynamic check weigher AWI).
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