Digital kit


"RCD" digital LOAD CELLS
  • C4 (4000 divisions) precision class.
  • Made in stainless steel, IP68 protection degree.
  • Internal silicone sealing against condensation and temperature changes.
  • 30.000 kg max capacity for each load cell.
  • 200.000d full load capacity resolution.
  • Combined error of Full Scale Output ± 0,017%
  • Operating temperature range -10°C/+40°C
  • Safe overload 150% F.S.
  • "Anti rat" 15 m armoured cable for each cell.
  • Self-alignment articulated joints.
  • Test certificate available upon request.
"JB10QD" digital JUCTION BOX
  • Junction box with polyester case.
  • IP66 protection degree or IP68 with the use of GELBOX anti condensation gel (optional, you need 1200ml of gel).
  • Surge Arresters against electric discharges and disturbances.

    To view the full technical data sheet click HERE.
Weighbridges kit made up of 3590ETD touch screen weight indicator with AF03 software for weighbridges, 6 or 8 stainless steel IP68 "RCD" digital load cells, complete with galvanized steel oscillating resting joints and junction box with surge arresters.

Touch screen indicator, specific for weigh bridge.

Junction box with removable terminals and integrated surge arres.

DIGITAL load cells in stainless steel.

CAPACITY: 180t, 240t.

OIML R60. C4 precision class.
Load cell height 170mm (including cups height).
"Anti rat" armoured cable for each load cell.


  • Touch screen, graphic, color display.
  • ABS waterproof IP65 case.
  • Integrated alibi memory for CE-M approved communication with printer and PC.
  • 3 serial ports, 2 RS232 and 1 RS485 for connection to printer, repeater and PC.
  • 2 inputs and 4 outputs.
  • Power supply unit specifically for digital load cells.
  • Protection board for power supply circuit and communication between digital load cells and self-resetting Surge Arresters.
  • "AF03" application software suitable for vehicles weighing and weighbridges management, with input/output products check.

    To view the full technical data sheet click HERE.
Available versions
WK630D-1 Kit for DIGITAL weightbridges with 6 load cells. Composed of 3590ETD indicator fitted with AF03 software, 2 inputs, 4 outputs and RS485 port, 6 RCD30C4 digital load cells with KRCA mounting kit, and JB10QD digital equalisation box with 10 inputs.
WK830D-1 Kit for DIGITAL weightbridges with 8 load cells. Composed of 3590ETD indicator fitted with AF03 software, 2 inputs, 4 outputs and RS485 port, 8 RCD30C4 digital load cells with KRCA mounting kit, and JB10QD digital equalisation box with 10 inputs.
Legal for trade approval
KCEM Plates and Welmec form for legal trade use of a scale. NET PRICE. Service available in combination with a Dini Argeo indicator.
ECEMDOC Printed EU declaration of conformity, EU certificate of verification, test certificate and metrological book (free download from our website, only for approved CE-M products). NET €.
Protection for junction box/electronic circuits
GELBOX(S1) Anti condensation, insulating, and sealing gel. Useful to protect the electronic circuits of the weighing system, even under prolonged immersions conditions. Pack of 300ml.
For JB10Q/JB10QD: 1200ml of gel required
Connection cables
LCCB Shielded cable 6x0.25 mm² (suitable for Ex zones). PVC inner sheath. Tinned copper braid shielding. PVC outer sheath, diameter 5.8 mm. Temperature range: -40 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 6 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
LCCBA Armoured cable 6x0.25 mm² (suitable for Ex zones). PVC inner sheath, diameter 5mm. Iron-zinc alloy armour. Transparent PVC outer sheath, 8 mm diameter. Temperature range: -15 / +70 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 5 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
Communication Interfaces
OBRF2G4(S1) External 2.4 GHz radio module, cable l=3m. ABS IP65 protecting box, 3 m cable, power supply from weight indicator. Max. distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 45 m indoors, 140m outdoors. 39 configurable channels.
OBRF2G4-USB External 2.4 GHz radio frequency module, USB cable l=1m. Power supply directly from the USB port. Max. functioning distance, in appropriate environmental and installation conditions: 45 m indoors, 140 outdoors. 39 configurable channels.
WIFITD-3(S1) Built-in WI-FI interface. For wireless connection (through access point) to the company computer system.
ETHD(S1) Built-in Ethernet interface. Speed from 10 to 100 Mbps, TCP, UDP, IP, ARP, ICMP, Ethernet Mac protocols.
RS485OPTO(S1) Built-in optoisolated RS485 interface (mounting and cable gland excluded).
Weight repeaters
DGT100R-1 Weight repeater with 100mm LED display. IP68 stainless steel case, 5-key keypad, air valve for regulating the humidity and the pressure.
OBTPRB(S1) Table thermal printer. For weight indicator, with IP40 ABS case, 1,5 m connection cable and internal power supply. Thermal paper roll included as standard.
PR80-2(S1) Thermal printer with paper cutter. Paper roll not included.
TM295(S1) DotMatrix impact printer. Paper / Labels / Tags not included.
LX300PRO(S1) DotMatrix impact printer. Paper not included.
RSCBLP(S1) RS232 cable l=1,5m for LP542xx, SMTPLUS, PR80 printers.
RSCBLP10M(S1) RS232 cable l=10m for LP542xx, SMTPLUS, PR80 printers.
RSCBLX(S1) RS232 cable l=1,5m for LX300, TM295 printers.
PRNSERV Custom-made ticket (up to 4 layouts). NET price.
APRNSERV Custom-made label (up to 4 layouts). NET price.

Pdf product page All the specifications and images can be subject to variations and upgrades without prior notice.