WLB series compact bench scale
Bench scales with compact dimensions, extremely sturdy, constructed with high quality materials. Suitable for industrial laboratories and burdensome working environment. Fitted with standard weight and rapid calibration adjustment function. Multifuncional weighing programme. CE-M approvable according to EN45501.
Available versions
| Code | Class | Plate Max (mm) | Max (g) | d (g) |  (g)* | d HR (g)* | Linearity (g) +/- | Repeatability (g) |
| WLB6M-1 | III | 190x190 mm | 6000 | -- | 1 | 0.1 | 1 | 1 |
(* M) Legal for trade approved as standard
(* d HR) High resolution digit is active as standard, it can be disabled by the configuration menu.
International power plugs
| Code | Description |
 | AUS-V4 | Version with AU charger. |
 | UK-V4 | Version with UK charger. |
 | US-V4 | Version with US charger. |
Communication Interfaces
| Code | Description |
 | RSCBUSB3P a> | PC/RS232 USB converter cable, l=1,5m. USB connector to PC side, conductor-end sleeves on the scale side. PG9 cable gland included. |
 | ALMEM-1 | (S1) Alibi memory (fiscal memory, max 120.000 weighs) for approved weight transmission to PC/PLC or data recording on MMC/USB. Built-in real time clock to print the date/time with PCB, screw terminal, plastic box and UL-marked labels.
If applicable, it requires FW 05.00.02 or higher. Not compatible with weight repeaters. |
Date&Time option
| Code | Description |
 | DFCLK | (S1) Real time clock for printing/displaying of date and time. With UL marked PCB, screw terminal, plastic box and labels (if applicable). |
Other options
| Code | Description |
| UMAN | Printed user manual (Free download from the website). |
| TECMAN | Printed technical manual (Free download from the website). |
| TECSUP | Technical assistance by telephone upon request. |
 | ECEMDOC | Printed EU declaration of conformity, EU certificate of verification, test certificate and metrological book (free download from our website, only for approved CE-M products). NET €. |