4 cell platforms



Weighing Platform FL series

Monobloc electronic platforms suitable for weighing above ground in all types of industrial and commercial applications. Connectable to any weight indicator. The standard version is provided with approved load cells.


  • Functioning with 4 shear-beam 350Ohm nickel-plated steel load cells, approved according to OIML R60 C3 standards (3000 divisions), IP67 protection degree.
  • Monobloc structure with oven-fire painted steel tubular, adjustable resting feet, and level.
  • Fixed sheet steel chequered load surface.
  • Up to 15 Vdc power supply.
  • Shielded 3 m connection cable complete with female connector.
  • Upon request:
    - platform calibration service with weight indicator;
    CE-M approval, to be combined always with the calibration service;
    - support column for indicator.
Available versions
l x w x h
Nr. of cellsMax


2R (g)*
FLC600 800x800x1204x500kg300/600100/200200100/200
PMU Min: Minimum average unit weight recommended for counting systems.
(*) Divisions obtainable only with the relative options, in combination with Dini Argeo weight indicator.
Calibration service with weight indicator
DINICAL Connection to a Dini Argeo indicator and calibration. NET PRICE (*).
DINICAL-DRC Direct connection (without connectors) from platform to indicator and calibration service. € NET.
NOTE(1): delivered platform not connected: connection of the platform to the weight indicator to be carried out on site by qualified personnel.
Legal for trade approval , class III or IIII, with Dini Argeo indicator (only at time of order)
ECEM 3000e legal for trade approval, for single platform/scale. NOTE: Depending on the product, the ECEM approval service may require DINICAL calibration service. Check to see if DINICAL is in the product options.
ECEM2 Multi-range 3000+3000e legal for trade approval, for single platform/scale. NOTE: Depending on the product, the ECEM approval service may require DINICAL calibration service. Check to see if DINICAL is in the product options.
ECEMDOC Printed EU declaration of conformity, EU certificate of verification, test certificate and metrological book (free download from our website, only for approved CE-M products). NET €.
Floor columns
CSP38I-1 AISI 304 stainless steel column 450x450mm, h=917mm, Ø 38mm. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.
CSP38 Stainless steel column 450x450mm, h=917, Ø 38mm. Painted steel base. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.
CSP38D Stainless steel column 350x350mm, h=750mm. Painted steel base. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.
Frame for flush floor installation
FLATF-1 Frame for flush floor installation, for FLA / WEFLA scales.
FLMTF-1 Frame for flush floor installation, for FLM / WEFLM scales.
FLBTF-2 Frame for flush floor installation, for FLB / WEFLB scales.
FLDTF-2 Frame for flush floor installation, for FLD / WEFLD scales.
FLETF-2 Frame for flush floor installation, for FLE / WEFLE scales.
FLKB Ball joints kit in nickel-plated steel for pit frame FLxTF. This accessory can be used in substitution of the standard plates. It allows the platform to swing and to settle, improving the weighing performance.
Plates for fixing on the floor
ETPFI-1 Kit of 4 plates for fixing on the floor, in stainless steel. For platforms ETG, ETH, ETL, ETA, ETM, ETB, ETD, ETE, ETF, LPI and FL series.
Calibration service with Dini Argeo indicator (only at time of order)
CT6 ISO 17025 calibration certificate from 301 to 1500 kg for single scale/platform. For precision and industrial scales, crane scales. The certificate is provided in digital format (pdf) and sent by e-mail.
CT7 ISO 17025 calibration certificate from 1501 to 3000 kg for single scale/platform. For precision balances, industrial and crane scales. The certificate is provided in digital format (pdf) and sent by e-mail.

Pdf product page All the specifications and images can be subject to variations and upgrades without prior notice.