DFW Series



DFWATEX2GD: Weight indicator for hazardous areas

    - Automatic Tare
    - Presettable Tare
    - ID1 and ID2 10-digit Codes
    - Print and data transmission commands
    - selectable function command
    - on/off switching.
    - High Resolution Weighing x 10
    -Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion
    - Accumulation
    - Formula weighing
    - +/- Checkweighing
    - Counting
    (Max. resolution of 1.500.000 divisions).
    - In/Out Truck weighing
    - Hold
    - Peer-to-peer
    (up to 4 remote connectable indicators).
    - Set Point Control (only in the DFWATEX2GDIO version combined with PW200XRDxxx and PW200IO options).
    - MODBUS serial protocol.
Weight indicator for areas classified as hazardous with protection methods according to:
ATEX II 2(2)G Ex ib [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb for gases,
ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T197°C IP65 Db for dust.
Ideal for creating weighing systems, batching, and automation systems. EC-Type-Examination certificate according to Annex III (ATEX directive). CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501).


  • Waterproof 17-key numerical and functional keyboard.
  • LCD display with 6 25-mm high contrast digits, clearly visible even in poor lighting conditions and with low temperatures, and with 6 LEDs for showing the active functions.
  • IP65 and IP68 satin finish stainless steel case.
  • Dimensions 264x174x115mm.
  • Suitable for use on the table, or wall.
  • Up to 3000e or multi range 3000+3000e in CE-M approved version for legal for trade use. Note: For applications approved Multi Range or up to 10,000e use the indicator DFWIECEX .
  • Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Up to 8 signal linearization points with DINITOOLS (3 from keypad).
  • A/D 24-bit sigma-delta conversion, up to 200 conv./sec. autoselect.
  • Digital calibration and set-up from keyboard; Instrument management & configuration from PC with DINITOOLS.
  • Power supply through external module: with optional battery pack; or with optional power adapter connectable to mains at 230 Vac or at 24 Vdc.
  • Connection with up to 4 load cells having 350 Ohm input resistance.


  • OIML R76
  • Australian legal for trade certificate of approval (NMI S788)
  • Fiber optic bidirectional port for connection with printer, labeller, PC, or PLC in safe area.
  • 4 logic inputs and 4 barriered digital outputs, connectable to other intrinsic safety devices in a hazardous area (only with the DFWATEX2GDIO version combined with PW200XRDxxx and PW200IO options).
Available versions
DFWATEX2GD-1 IP68 stainless steel, ATEX 2GD indicator. 17-key keypad and LCD display. Protection mode: ATEX II 2(2)G Ex ib [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb for gases and ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T197°C IP65 Db for dust. Complete with manual and DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY. To be combined always with the PW200XRDxxx series' power adapter or DFWBP76ATEX battery. Provided with safety instructions and the ATEX EU declaration of conformity (EN, DE, FR, ES and IT).
DFWATEX2GDIO-1 IP68 stainless steel, ATEX 2GD indicator fitted with I/O section. 17-key keypad and LCD display. Protection mode: ATEX II 2(2)G Ex ib [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb for gases and ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T197°C IP65 Db for dust. Complete with manual and DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY. To be combined always with the PW200XRDxxx series' power adapter. Provided with safety instructions and the ATEX EU declaration of conformity (EN, DE, FR, ES and IT).

Advanced configuration example:

Approval kit
KCEM Plates and Welmec form for legal trade use of a scale. NET PRICE. Service available in combination with a Dini Argeo indicator.
ECEMDOC Printed EU declaration of conformity, EU certificate of verification, test certificate and metrological book (free download from our website, only for approved CE-M products). NET €.
ECEM-AU Single platform/scale legal-for-trade approval for Australia.
Declaration of ATEX conformity of whole
DCATEX2GD Declaration of ATEX conformity of the assembly. Ex II 2G IIC T4 Gb X and Ex II 2D IIIC T197°C Db X SYSTEM, with relative label of whole system, for Dini Argeo ATEX weight indicator connected a mechanical structure with ATEX load cells (each cell must be certified with CCATEX option). Provided with descriptive document of the assembly and ATEX EU declaration of conformity of the assembly (EN and IT).
Power supply and INPUT/OUTPUT for DFWATEX2GD
PW200XRD24D-1(S3) ATEX power supplier with 24 Vdc input. 10,5 Vdc intrinsically safe output, complete of Exd case, with protection modes: ATEX II 2(2)G Ex d [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb and ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T140°C Db. Equipped with connecting cable between PW200XRDxxx and DFWATEX2GDxxx with a length of 3 m. Provided with safety instructions and the ATEX EU declaration of conformity (EN, DE, FR, ES and IT).
PW200XRD24A(S3) ATEX power supplier with 24 Vac input. 10,5 Vdc intrinsically safe output, complete of Exd case, with protection modes: ATEX II 2(2)G Ex d [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb and ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T140°C Db. Equipped with connecting cable between PW200XRDxxx and DFWATEX2GDxxx with a length of 3 m. Provided with safety instructions and the ATEX EU declaration of conformity (EN, DE, FR, ES and IT).
PW200XRD115-1(S3) ATEX power supplier with 115 Vac input. 10,5 Vdc intrinsically safe output, complete of Exd case, with protection modes: ATEX II 2(2)G Ex d [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb and ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T140°C Db. Provided with safety instructions and the ATEX EU declaration of conformity (EN, DE, FR, ES and IT).
PW200XRD230-1(S3) ATEX power supplier with 230 Vac input. 10,5 Vdc intrinsically safe output, complete of Exd case, with protection modes: ATEX II 2(2)G Ex d [ib Gb] IIC T4 Gb and ATEX II 2(2)D Ex tb [ib Db] IIIC T140°C Db. Equipped with connecting cable between PW200XRDxxx and DFWATEX2GDxxx with a length of 3 m. Provided with safety instructions and the ATEX EU declaration of conformity (EN, DE, FR, ES and IT).
PW200IO Set of 2 ATEX cable glands for PW200XRDxxx. For the use of the INPUT/OUTPUT section on DFWATEX2GDIO or DFWATEX2GDF.
PW200IO-1 Set of 2 ATEX cable glands for PW200XRDxxx-1. For the use of the INPUT/OUTPUT section on DFWATEX2GDIO or DFWATEX2GDF.
EXACBPW(S6) 4x1 mm² armored cable (suitable for Ex zones). PVC compound inner sheath. Armor: galvanized steel wire braid. Outer sheath made of PVC compound, diameter 8.8 mm. Operating temperature: -30 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 10 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
NOTE: The S3 service for PW200XRDxxx-1 corresponds to the connection of the power supply unit with the DFWATEX2GD weight indicator.
ATEX battery and battery charger
DFWBP76ATEXD Rechargeable ATEX battery, for 1 & 21 zones. If used with DFWATEX weight indicator this battery needs the BTCB2GD optional cable.
BTCB2GD(S1) Cable for DFWBP76ATEXD battery connection.
DFWBPAL-2 Battery charger for safe area, for DFWBP76ATEXD ATEX battery.
STFA12 Stainless steel bracket for mounting the ATEX battery on column. Compatible with "DFWBP76ATEX..", “IECEXB”, "BP6ESTATEX3GD.." and "BP6V12A".
ATEX 2GD Remote Button Control
EXPHBN EX 2GD hand control with 2 buttons and cable gland (optional connection cable). Protection II 2G Ex db eb IIC T6 Gb for gases, II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db for dust.
EXACB4(S6) 4x0.5 mm² armoured cable (suitable for Ex zones). PVC inner sheath. Armour: galvanised steel wire braid. Outer sheath PVC, diameter 7.3 mm. Temperature range: -30 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 10 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
Please note: These options can only be used with DFWATEX2GDF and DFWATEX2GDIO-1 models.
Communication interfaces
ALMEMATEX(S1) Alibi memory for ATEX 2GD indicator (fiscal memory, max 120.000 weighs) for approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC (to be used with DFWATEX2GDIO).
Optical fibres and converter
CBFOPT(S2) Synthetic optical fibre cable. €/m (min. 10m). Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request). Caution: requires one CNFOPT fibre optic connector set.
CNFOPT(S2) Set of connectors for optical fibre cable for connection of the indicator to the fiber optic/RS232 converter.
FBDIN100(S2) Optical fibre/RS232 converter for DIN bar, for synthetic optical fibre. The maximum length is 100m (greater lenghts upon price estimate). For the connection with PC, PLC.
Please note: These options can only be used with DFWATEX2GDF and DFWATEX2GDIO-1 models.
Connection cables
EXACB4(S6) 4x0.5 mm² armoured cable (suitable for Ex zones). PVC inner sheath. Armour: galvanised steel wire braid. Outer sheath PVC, diameter 7.3 mm. Temperature range: -30 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 10 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
EXACBPW(S6) 4x1 mm² armored cable (suitable for Ex zones). PVC compound inner sheath. Armor: galvanized steel wire braid. Outer sheath made of PVC compound, diameter 8.8 mm. Operating temperature: -30 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 10 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
EXCB6(S6) Blue shielded cable 6x0.22 mm², only for EX i (2GD) assemblies. PVC inner sheath. Tinned copper braid shielding. Polyurethane outer sheath, diameter 5.8 mm. Temperature range: -40 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 7 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
LCCB Shielded cable 6x0.25 mm² (suitable for Ex zones). PVC inner sheath. Tinned copper braid shielding. PVC outer sheath, diameter 5.8 mm. Temperature range: -40 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 6 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
LCCBA Armoured cable 6x0.25 mm² (suitable for Ex zones). PVC inner sheath, diameter 5mm. Iron-zinc alloy armour. Transparent PVC outer sheath, 8 mm diameter. Temperature range: -15 / +70 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 5 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
RSCBTW(S3) 4-core twisted shielded cable (2x2x0.34 mm²), for RS485 communication or analogue output. Polyolefin inner sheath. Tinned copper braid shielding. Outer sheath PVC, diameter 7mm. Temperature range: -30 / +80 °C. Minimum bending radius >/= 6 x O.D. €/m. Maximum orderable length: 100 m (longer lengths available only upon request).
Analog Ouput
PFB485EX Protection barrier for RS485, for direct connection in safe area. Max cable length: 200m.
DGT1SAN Weight transmitter on DIN bar, with 2 INPUT, 2 OUTPUT and analog output. Fitted with 5-key keypad and LED display. Multifunction weighing program.
MSTSLV Program to use the indicator as a repeater. It must be combined with the DFW and DGT weight indicators.
191750 RS485 connection cable for Fieldbus versions to CPU series. Length 20cm.

Repeater for ATEX zone
MSTSLV Program to use the indicator as a repeater. It must be combined with the DFW and DGT weight indicators.
By purchasing a second DFWATEX2GD indicator and installing the Master Slave program MSTSLV, it is possible to have a weight repeater directly in a hazardous area.
RS485 barriers
PFB485EX Protection barrier for RS485, for direct connection in safe area. Max cable length: 200m.
ZBPWR24 Power supply specific for ZB485 active barrier.
ZB485(S6) RS485 active barrier. Mark: ATEX II (1) GD [EEx ia] IIC, I (M2) [EEx ia] I, II 3G Ex nA II T4, [Ex ia] IIC. 24Vdc power supply not included, we recommend the combination with ZBPWR24.
Saving of the weighs
SWM "WeiMonitor" PC program to monitor and record in real time weighs performed on the connected scale (the price is intended for the license to manage one scale).
PC software for managing weighbridges
WEITRUCK-1 PC software for vehicle weighing. It can be combined with DFW, DGT and 3590 series' weight indicators. Databases to store customer, material and vehicle data, management of the totals and programmable printouts. Alibi Memory is required for DFW/DGT (3590 series is equipped with alibi memory as standard).
Columns and brackets
STFI-1 AISI 304 stainless steel fixing bracket. For weight indicator wall mounting.
STFA12 Stainless steel bracket for mounting the ATEX battery on column. Compatible with "DFWBP76ATEX..", “IECEXB”, "BP6ESTATEX3GD.." and "BP6V12A".
STFR-1 AISI 304 stainless steel fixing bracket with adjustable inclination. For weight indicator wall mounting.
CSP38I-1 AISI 304 stainless steel column 450x450mm, h=917mm, Ø 38mm. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.
CSP38D Stainless steel column 350x350mm, h=750mm. Painted steel base. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.
PG cable glands
PG7EX 10 PG7 metallic cable gland set for ATEX indicators. Complete with ferrules and seals. Cable diameter: 3 to 6.5 mm.
PG9EX 10 PG9 metallic cable gland set for ATEX indicators. Complete with ferrules and seals. Cable diameter: 4 to 8 mm.
Other accessories
VENTX(S1) ATEX Valve for regulating humidity and pressure inside the indicator. Advised for IP68 applications.
TECSUP Technical assistance by telephone upon request.

Pdf product page All the specifications and images can be subject to variations and upgrades without prior notice.